We can collectively face the problems that we face collectively. We can design and build a sustainable future that we can all share.

What does the world you want to see look like? Sound like? Feel like? Taste like? Smell like? Move like? Think like? If the future were a Mario Kart character what power ups would it need? 
Let's play it out, exercise some divergent thinking, and build the connections needed to make that future happen. And on whatever scale is right for you right now (since the "future" isn't just 2030 or 2100, but each next breath, after all).

Our model is simple, bringing people together like M.A.C. & Cheese!
M.A.C. = Movement, Action, Community 
& Cheese! = keeping it fun! The sauce that brings it all together, plus never running out of horribly cheesy jokes, puns, and metaphors!

The issues we face are dire enough, so why not fire up the desire to de-ire the irate debate and re-wire. 
For one, we’ll replace dire with done! 
And after all, why go one-by-one when together we can go won-by-won.

Let’s get it! Check out the events page for more and look here for more details on scheduling to come soon as we get into #hotSDGsummer!

What is #hotSDGsummer? What are the SDGs?

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are 17 goals shared by the whole world for a sustainable future. They were developed with global input and provide concrete and measured standards to assess progress for a better future. 
When we're wondering, "is this going to make any difference?" or "where do I even start?" the SDGs are so helpful. One example. We're concerned about food insecurity and whether we see it or experience it ourselves, it seems like a massive and global problem. 
It's so easy to feel stuck. 
Whew. So we look at the SDGs, and see that number 2 is "End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture." 
Okay that's important, but how? 
Wait, we see that they have targets and indicators too. Like Target 2.2: "By 2030, end all forms of malnutrition, including achieving, by 2025, the internationally agreed targets on stunting and wasting in children under 5 years of age, and address the nutritional needs of adolescent girls, pregnant and lactating women and older persons." And then we see lots of free resources on learning ways to address these issues. 
Then with a quick google search about SDGs in Boston, we can find the UNAGB's SDGActionCorner.org. Ooof, we see that Boston's rating on SDG 2 wouldn't even make a FIFA roster at 52/100, at least in 2019 data. Right on UNAGB's SDG Action Corner, we can see dozens of ways we can take action on each SDG today to support our families and neighbors. 
By now, the ball is rolling thoroughly down the rabbit hole. It's obvious there are an overwhelming number of ways we can make an immediate difference. More local resource directories come to mind, from Boston's Office of Food Justice, NOFA Mass Action CenterBU's Food Justice Resource Library, and so much more. 
So there are two extremes. One, stuck and overwhelmed not knowing what do to. And one moving and making a difference but overwhelmed by how much we can do, and how much more needs to be done, at a risk of burnout. That's where we come in! Right in the sweet spot, to support you with sustainable activities that make a difference. All while helping you sustain your own physical and mental health.
And #hotSDGsummer? It's summer, let's get outside, come together, have a good time, and bring the heat on meeting the SDGs in our community (as broad as we want to define that)! 
It can be done and we can do it when we act together. You in?
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